日 時:6月5日(日)18:30ー21:30
場 所:C’s Yoyogi 4階、渋谷区代々木1−45−7
問合せ: abilowther@gmail.com
アビ・ラウザー 080-4322-4475
A party for and by artists! While sharing a meal together, we will perform, talk about current or past projects, give information about upcoming events, and just plain 'ole have a good time.
Time: June 5th (Sunday), 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: C's Yoyogi 4F, 1-45-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya Ku
Fee: Free! We will have a potluck style meal, so please bring something share.
Contact: abilowther@gmail.com
Abi Lowther 080-4322-4475
*Reservation required! Please sign up by June 3rd and let us know what kind of performance or artwork you plan to share.