場 所 TKPガーデンシティ竹橋
東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-2-2 住友商事竹橋ビル 2F 地図
ピーター・ベイクラー Peter BAKELAAR
ロードアイランドスクール・オブ・デザイン(RISD)美術教育過程卒。コロンビア国際大学(CIU)TEFL異文化研究、大学院卒業。GalleryNANIのディレクター。 www.nanijapan.org
Graduate of Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) with a degree in art education process. Graduate of Columbia International University (CIU) with a TEFL degree in Cross-Cultural Studies. Peter is the director of Gallery NANI and lives in Seto near Nagoya, Japan. www.nanijapan.org
クリスティナ・デイビソン Christina DAVISON
Violinist. Singer. Songwriter/Composer. Christina received her Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from Furman University and her Master of Arts in Musicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her Master’s Thesis explored the popularity and cultural significance of Beethoven’s music in Japan. She enjoys performing, creating new music, and teaching violin and music history.
ロジャー・W・ラウザー Roger W. LOWTHER
アメリカ・ボストン出身。コミュニティーアーツ東京のディレクター。グレースシティーチャーチ東京の「フェイス&アート(信仰と芸術)」のディレクター。宣教師として活動する芸術家のグローバルネットワーク「The MAKE Collective」のディレクター。アメリカのジュリアード音楽院にてパイプオルガン演奏修士、コロンビア大学にてエンジニアリング応用物理学学士を取得。現在リフォームド神学校修士課程で学んでいる。5枚のアルバムをリリースし、コンクール受賞も多数。著書『砕かれた葉—アメリカ人が見つけた芸術、生活、信仰』(いのちのことば社、2021)、『ピアノのピッピーと黒い波』(コミュニティーアーツメディア、2020)、『美の香り』(コミュニティーアーツメディア、2021)。2005年に来日し、現在家族と共に東京の月島に在住。登山、マラソンが趣味で各国へ出かけている。www.rogerwlowther.com
ORGANIST. Roger is the founder and director of Community Arts Tokyo. He received his Master of Music in Organ Performance from The Juilliard School and his Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. Mr. Lowther has won numerous competitions and has recorded four albums. He is also the International Coordinator of the MAKE Collective, a global network of missionary artists, and the Director of Faith & Art at Grace City Church Tokyo. Roger authored “The Broken Leaf: Meditations on Art, Life, and Faith in Japan” (Wipf and Stock, 2019), “Pippy the Piano and the Very Big Wave” (Community Arts Media, 2020), and “Aroma of Beauty” (Community Arts Media, 2021). Roger and his wife Abi live in Tsukuda, Tokyo with their four boys. www.rogerwlowther.com
森章 Akira MORI
A native of Hokkaido. After graduating from Central Bible College (Tokyo) in 1969, went to Norway and studied music theory and instrument playing in the evening while working in the daytime for 3 1/2 years. Akira worked for Mission Behind The Iron Curtain (Oslo, Norway) and served as a courier (so-called “Bible smuggler”) for 5 years. He joined Operation Mobilization and sailed with OM’s MV Logos for 4 years. He joined Evangelical Orient Mission (EOM) of Norway in 1985 and married Anniken Steineger, a missionary of EOM, in 1986. He was commissioned by EOM to Japan in 1989 and became the pastor of Global Mission Chapel (Taira Kiristo Fukuin Kyookai) in Iwaki City, where he still serves today. He has been married for 35 years and has 3 grown-up children and 1 grandchild. He is involved with the NPOs Global Mission Japan (disaster victim support) and Golden Harp (welfare services for persons with disabilities). He is also the facilitator for a movement of prayer in Japan.
クニオナカムラ Kunio NAKAMURA
Born in Tokyo in 1971. The owner of Book & Gallery “6th Dimension” in Ogikubo, Tokyo. Kintsugi master. After being in charge of art and travel programs as a director of a TV program production company, he became independent at the age of 37. Established a kintsugi studio and started activities to protect Japanese traditions. He writes about Western and antique art, while spreading the concept of kintsugi throughout the world. His books include Kintsugi Handbook, Introduction to Kintsugi BOOK, Old Art Handbook, and Introduction to Art History through Charts. Kunio Nakamura was actively involved after the Tohoku and Kumamoto earthquakes as a volunteer conducting ceramic repair workshops.
中澤宗幸 Muneyuki NAKAZAWA
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1940. When he was eight years old, his father taught him how to make a violin, and in junior high, he began making his own violins every summer. He continued his studies in making violins and restoration techniques in Europe, eventually opening a workshop in Tokyo in 1980. He now has three workshops, in Tokyo, Nagano, and Italy, which restores and appraises famous instruments, and adjusts musical instruments for orchestras and performers around the world. His books include "The Truth and Rumors of Stradivarius" and "The Violin of Life." He is married to violinist Kimiko Nakazawa.
大庭みさこ Misako OBA
静岡県出身。アーティスト(美術家)。外国語学部スペイン語学科卒業後、国内の民放テレビ局や全米ネットワークの日系テレビ局アナウンサーとして、取材・インタビューほか、原稿執筆、映像編集、ディレクター業務など制作全般を経験。その後、新聞・雑誌等でフォ トグラファー、編集者として、より視覚的な仕事に携わる。米国大学院ではジャーナリズムと写真を専攻。主にニューヨークとパリでアートを学ぶ。ある時期よりジャーナリストからアーティストに転身。アート写真ほか、近年は主にエンコースティック(蜜ろう・樹脂・顔料から成る固形絵具を使った古典技法)と水彩・油彩や文字等を融合させたミクストメディア作品を制作。人生の光と闇、人間の感情と魂の本質を探求し、「Stars and Desert 」(「星と砂漠・荒野」)シリーズ等、時空を超えた古典の普遍的メッセージとプログラミング言語など現代要素の、新旧両方を織り込んだ準抽象的な作風が特徴。米国各地、フラン ス、ドイツ等、主に欧米で発表。個展、企画展、アートフェア多数。ヨーロッパ写真美術館など公的機関に作品が収蔵されている他、企業・個人コレクターを持つ。美術大大学院生や教授、一般向けに講義・講演なども。作品集に「PACTUM」「FAUSTUS」「Beyond Time and Space 」他。www.misakooba.com
Misako Oba was born and raised in Japan. Her artworks have been exhibited at international galleries and art fairs in France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, and the United States. Oba’s works include award-winning pieces. These works and others are held in private, corporate, and national permanent collections. Her works explore human life as a journey as they examine the soul and emotions. They also depict its transient nature and perspective. Her professional repertoire has evolved from photography to mixed-media painting, which incorporates encaustic, oil, printmaking, and text in compositions relevant to each series’ concept. In her “Stars and Desert” series, she often layers timeless ancient messages and modern computer languages in an abstract manner. Her monographs (artbooks) include “PACTUM” (2011), “FAUSTUS” (2014), and “Beyond Time and Space” (2020). Oba’s early career was in broadcasting as a newscaster and then in print media as an editor. Her responsibility involved film/photo direction and editing that shaped her creative visual arts career. She has lived/worked in New York and other cities in the U.S. and usually divides her time between the U.S. and Japan to create and exhibit her art. www.misakooba.com
横山大輔 Daisuke YOKOYAMA
ゴスペルシンガー、ソングライター。カリフォルニア州立大学フラトン校(California State University, Fullerton)で音楽留学していた。アメリカ留学中に音楽活動を始め、ロックバンド「ROUTE OF SOUL」結成。ハリウッドなどでライブを行う。2004年に帰国後、全国47都道府県ツアー達成、2011年の東日本大震災以降、福島県にボランティア活動のために3年間移住。その後、アジア、アメリカ、イスラエルツアーを経て、今も歌い続けている。FEBCラジオ「横山大輔のゴスペルライオンアドベンチャー」が3ヶ月間放送。2018年にはクリスマスCD「Advent〜クリスマスへの道」を1万枚制作、完売。2020年、7枚目のCD「生きる」をリリース。
Gospel singer, songwriter. Daisuke studied music at California State University, Fullerton and formed the rock band "ROUTE OF SOUL," which performed frequently in Hollywood and other places. After returning to Japan in 2004, he completed a tour of all 47 prefectures nationwide. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, he moved to Fukushima Prefecture for three years of volunteer activities. After that, he toured Asia, America, and Israel, and continues to sing and travel broadly. FEBC radio "Daisuke Yokoyama's Gospel Lion Adventure" was broadcast for 3 months. In 2018, 10,000 copies of the Christmas CD "Advent 〜 Road to Christmas" were sold out. In 2020, Daisuke released his seventh CD "Living."
横山和子 Kazuko YOKOYAMA
Kazuko became a Christian while a sophomore at Osaka University. After graduating, she joined the staff of CRU, mainly working with university students. She frequently leads Christian worship and worship seminars. She also wrote a book on worship called "Worship Dontokoi." In March 2017, she retired from CRU to marry gospel singer Daisuke Yokoyama, and the two of them travel the country together to convey Christ through music and encourage the church.