クリストファー・エルメリック Christopher Elmerick
CULTURE CENTER DIRECTOR. Christopher is a visionary who is committed to building authentic community and cultivating creativity in every area of life. He has lived in Berlin, Germany with his wife Stephanie and three children for 13 years where they founded a local cultural center which also serves as an art gallery, event space, and co-working location. Christopher also plays an active role in pioneering church plants throughout the Berlin. He is passionate about calling forth the beauty that God has placed in each of us as part of His creation as He works to make all things new.
木津孝次郎 Kojiro “Kozy” Kizu
ILLUSTRATOR. Born in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Kozy is creative director for an advertising agency working on Japan campaigns for companies such as Sony and Nike. He is also an illustrator with 2 children's books published through Shogakukan Publishing, and animator for CSTV kid's television programing. In 2012, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, he began the "RAKUEN" (heaven on earth) illustration series on the theme of children's dreams and fantasies (delusions, even?). Kozy lives in Tokyo with his wife, daughter, and turtle. He looks a bit like a camel
木村竜太 Ryuta Kimura
牧師。竜太さんは日本人、パトリツィアさんはスイス人という国際カップルです。イギリスで出会い、2002年に結婚してからお二人は日本に住み神様の国を地域教会を通し建て上げることを夢見ていました。竜太さんはイギリスで聖書学校を卒業した後から15年間宣教師やユース牧師としての働きをしてきました。牧師としては10年間以上奉仕してきました。2014年に、City to Cityが主催する、福音中心の教会開拓トレーニングを受け、聖書の福音に忠実で健康的な教会を築くビジョンを持ち、教会をスタートしました。また竜太さんとパトリツィアさん自身はビジネスを運営しているため、クリスチャンの人々がビジネスの分野で成功し、ビジネスのリソースやコネクションを神様の国の為に用いていくように励ますことに情熱を持っています。二人には超キュートな2人の娘さんたちがいます。ショッピング、旅行、東京巡りと新しい発見が大好きなお二人です。
PASTOR. After graduating from Regents Theological College in England, Ryuta worked as a pastor and leader in various roles at some church in England, Switzerland, and Japan for more than ten years. He planted Double O Cross Church in Kichijoji, Tokyo six years ago and has been the lead pastor of the church.
アン・クー Anne Ku
バイオリ二スト。アンはソロ、オーケストラ、室内楽で演奏をしてきました。彼女は音楽コンクール、フェスティバル等において様々の賞を受賞してきました。彼女の出身地ニュージャージー州プリンストンにバイオリン教室を開き、彼女は毎年夏に開かれる、夏季音楽学校、Csehy School of Musicにて講師を担当しています。ジュリアード音楽院にて、音楽学士、修士を取得し、世界的なバイオリニストである、キャサリン・チョー、ロバート・マンに師事。彼女が演奏する愛器はカレッサ&フランセ社製1906年に造られた名器で、The Virtu Foundationより借与されました。
VIOLINIST. Anne is an active soloist, orchestral, and chamber violinist, for which she has won numerous prizes and honors and participates in many music festivals. She has an established teaching studio in her hometown of Princeton, New Jersey, and serves on the faculty of the Csehy School of Music. Anne holds both Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from The Juilliard School, where she studied with Catherine Cho and Robert Mann. She currently plays on a 1906 Caressa and Francis violin, on generous loan from The Virtu Foundation.
ジョセフ・カイパーズ Joseph Kuipers
チェリスト。ジョセフはチェロ演奏に創造性と多彩性を併せ持たせた演奏者です。彼も様々な音楽コンクール、フェスティバルでの受賞経験があります。彼は室内楽演奏者と共にユニット、Marinus Projectを結成し、財団から20万ドルのも援助受け始める事となりました。ボストンにあるニューイングランド音楽院で音楽学士を取得した後、ドイツのマンハイム音楽大学で学び、バーゼル音楽院で音楽修士号を取得しました。現在は、アメリカ、ワシントン・アンド・リー大学にて教鞭を取りながら、スイス、ビニンゲン学園などでも教鞭を取りながら、世界中で音楽ゼミなどをしながら活動する。現在はテキサス州ダラスに居を構えて活動中。 彼の愛器は、18世紀の著名なチェロ制作者フランチェスコ・ゴベッティが1710年に制作したもの、弓も著名な製作者ロビン・ザビンスキーとアンドリュー・ディッパー制作のもので、今回の演奏に臨みます。
CELLIST. Joseph is renowned for his creativity and versatility on the cello. He has appeared at festivals and music centers around the globe. Joseph founded the Marinus Project, an international collective of chamber musicians, for which he received a $200,000 grant. Joseph completed undergraduate studies at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston in cello and composition, an Artist Diploma from Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, Germany, and a Master of Musical Arts from Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel, Switzerland. He holds teaching positions at Washington & Lee University, Eastern University, Binningen School for Gifted Students in Switzerland, as well as numerous masterclasses at festivals worldwide. He also maintains a private studio in Dallas, Texas where he is based. He plays a Francesco Gobetti cello (Venice c. 1710), a custom Tourte bow by Roger Zabinski, and baroque bow by Andrew Dipper.
ガーダ・リーブマン Gerda Liebmann
VISUAL ARTIST. Gerda was born in Switzerland, where she studied art at the Kunstgewerbeschule St. Gallen. For many years she lived in New Jersey, USA, working as a graphic designer in her own studio. She studied for Christian ministry at Berean Global University, where she was ordained in 1999. In 2018, Gerda moved to Thailand where she works as an artist and assists in the refugee crisis. She has performed salt installations in Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, and New York.
ロジャー・W・ラウザー Roger W. Lowther
オルガ二スト。コミュニティーアーツ東京ディレクター。グレースシティーチャーチ東京の信仰とアートディレクター。MAKE COLLECTIVEという国際アーティストネットワークのディレクター。ニューヨークのコロンビア大学にて物理学士を取得。ジュリアード音楽院にてパイプオルガン演奏で修士号を取得。色々なコンクールで優勝し、四枚のアルバムをレコーディングしている。
ORGANIST. Roger is the founder and director of Community Arts Tokyo. He received his Master of Music in Organ Performance from The Juilliard School and his Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. Mr. Lowther has won numerous competitions and has recorded four albums. He is also the International Coordinator of the MAKE Collective, a global network of missionary artists, and the Director of Faith & Art at Grace City Church Tokyo. Roger and his wife Abi live in Tsukuda, Tokyo with their four boys.
アレクス・マクドナルド Alex McDonald
PIANIST. Alex actively performs solo and with orchestras on the piano around the world and has placed in many prestigious competitions, including the Van Cliburn Competition. He received his bachelor’s degree from New England Conservatory and his master’s and doctoral degrees from The Juilliard School. He teaches at Texas Woman’s University and has a large private studio, whose students have been admitted to Juilliard, Eastman and New England Conservatory, and have performed at Carnegie Hall and live on the radio. alexmcdonaldpiano.com
レイチェル・リー・マクドナルド Rachel Li McDonald
ヴィオリスト。レイチェルは室内楽、オーケストラにおいて活動しています。ジュリアード音楽院にて音楽学士、ライス大学にて音楽修士を取得後、彼女はカーネギーホールでの演奏でデビューを飾りました。その様子は、アメリカ公共放送PBSのラジオ番組、From the Top Live from Carnegieでも紹介されました。彼女は最近では、南カルフォルニアにあるクラシック音楽専門のラジオ局KMZTにおいて番組 “Sunday Live”に出演し演奏を披露しました。彼女は現在、芸術を通してコミュニティを作る事を目的とした団体、Gluck Ferrowshipに所属し、病院、子供達、老人ホームなどで演奏をしています。
VIOLIST. Rachel is an active chamber and orchestral violist. She received her Bachelor of Music from The Juilliard School and Master of Music from Rice University. She made her debut chamber performance at Carnegie Hall through From the Top Live from Carnegie, broadcasted on PBS. Most recently, she can be heard performing live on KMZT Radio’s “Sunday Live” broadcasts. Rachel was part of the Gluck Fellowship in New York performing at hospitals and care centers for audiences ranging from young children to the elderly.
Megumi Project “up-cycles” vintage kimonos into one-of-a-kind shawls, scarves, bags, journals, and other accessories in Onagawa, Miyagi. All artisans are women directly impacted by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Megumi Project will sell their goods and lead a workshop. (www.megumiproject.myshopify.com)
ジョシュア・メシック Joshua Messick
HAMMER DULCIMER PLAYER. Joshua is a composer, innovator, and performer of the ancient instrument, the hammered dulcimer, creating new styles influenced by Celtic, world, renaissance, folk, and classical music. He has released seven studio albums and was the featured instrumentalist on the Japanese animated film Mary and the Witch’s Flower. Joshua won the United States National Hammered Dulcimer Champion. He and his wife, Stephanie, live in the mountains of North Carolina. Documentary (https://youtu.be/VCT32qcF728)
OneHope will be leading our program for children ages 5-14. OneHope creates media such as short films, manga, printed materials, and their newest iPad application for children and youth in Japan. (www.onehopejapan.net)
渋谷悠 Yu Shibuya
脚本家、映画監督、舞台演出家、たまに俳優。アメリカ・インディアナ州パーデュー大学院にて創作文学の修士号を取得。日米共同制作の短編映画『自転車』が第66回ベネチア国際映画祭を含む世界23の映画祭で入選・受賞を果たし、自らの作風に確信を得る。2014年に旗揚げした演劇プロデュースユニット牧羊犬は、緻密な人間ドラマと大胆な構成力、そして映像的な演出が話題を呼び、着実に公演を重ねている。映像・舞台制作の傍ら、ナレーション、トークイベントの出演、eigaworldcup脚本部門審査員、東京フィルムセンターにて特別講師を務めるなど、その活動の幅は広い。 www.shibu-shibu.com
DIRECTOR, SCREENWRITER, PLAYWRIGHT, ACTOR. Yu wrote and co-produced Jitensha, an official selection at the 66th Venice Film Festival and Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, Cicada, receiving Grand Prizes at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, Guam International Film Festival, and the Pan Pacific Film Festival, The Apology, Repeat After Me and other films. He also runs a theater company called Bokuyoken and has published a book of monologues available on Amazon. www.shibu-shibu.com