English follows Japanese
ー 町山智浩(映画評論家)
ー 永田芳弘(プロデューサー『マイ・ブロークン・マリコ』『私の男』『凶悪』)
– 水野昌(プロデューサー『キリエのうた』『ラストレター』)
① もし興味を持っていただけたなら、公式サイトや予告編を見て、一人でも多くの人に届くよう祈ってください。そして、1月24日の公開後、映画館に足を運んでください。映画館で作品を長くかけてもらえるかは、初週の動員人数次第とされています。皆さんに観ていただくことで、こうした聖書的な価値観を含む作品がより多くの人に届くきっかけになります。
② もし良かったら、この映画のことを広めてください。家族や友人、教会の兄弟姉妹に伝えてください。宣伝費がほとんどないので、SNSで紹介してくださったり、感想を書いてくださると、とても嬉しいです。
ー 心の雨を言葉にかえて ー
公式HP: http://miharu-movie.com/
升 毅 田中美里 日髙麻鈴
和田聰宏 宮本凜音 上原剛史 井上薫 阿南健治
織田あいか 菅沼岳 和田ひろこ 徳岡温朗
脚本・監督:渋谷 悠
プロデューサー:大川祥吾 渋谷真樹子
撮影監督・共同プロデューサー:早坂 伸(JSC)
制作プロダクション:アイスクライム キアロスクーロ撮影事務所
配給: ギグリーボックス
©️2025 牧羊犬/キアロスクーロ撮影事務所/アイスクライム
Introducing 美晴に傘を (Miharu ni kasawo) by Christian Film Director Yu Shibuya
Hello, my name is Yu Shibuya, a playwright and film director. While you may not know me personally, you might have heard my voice as the main narrator for the Children's Bible App and the Japanese Bible Project.
I became a Christian in high school through International hi-b.a., and it was around that time I received a calling to "minister to Japanese culture through media." Over the years, I’ve built my career with the Lord, and now my debut feature film, Miharu ni kasawo, is set to release on January 24th in 50 theaters across Japan, starting with Yebisu Garden Cinema. I would be deeply grateful for your support and prayers.
A Story of Family Reconciliation by a Christian Filmmaker
Miharu ni kasawo begins with a widow and her daughters visiting the estranged father of her late husband, bringing with them his ashes.
The film explores the theme: "Expressing unspoken feelings through words."
While the story could seem heavy, its unique and humorous characters bring balance, delivering a heartfelt message to audiences. It’s a movie that will make you laugh, cry, reflect, and inspire you to share your feelings with loved ones.
What Does Ministry to Culture Look Like?
Miharu ni kasawo is not overtly Christian. However, it is deeply rooted in biblical values, and Christians will likely recognize God’s fingerprints throughout the story.
For me, ministering to Japanese culture through media means embedding biblical principles and values into the narratives that non-Christians look to for guidance—such as dramas, movies, and manga.
By doing so, non-Christians, simply by engaging with cultural content, have their hearts tilled and prepared. When they eventually hear the message of Jesus, it will feel familiar, like something they’ve encountered before, making it easier to accept.
In fact, early screenings of the film have already brought messages of hope and healing to the hearts of non-Christian viewers.
Here are some of the endorsements they’ve shared:
"The characters’ hearts are unraveled through poetry, haiku, paintings, and calligraphy. Like the soft and beautiful blues of the sea and sky in Hokkaido, this film touches deeply. That one kanji character brought me to tears."
– Tomohiro Machiyama (Film Critic)
"This film feels like a much-needed safety net in a world that has become overwhelmingly grim."
– Yoshihiro Nagata (Producer of My Broken Mariko, My Man, The Devil’s Path)
"It has a profound warmth that embraces even the difficult people and situations, transforming them into something lovable."
– Aki Mizuno (Producer of Whisper of the Heart, Last Letter)
How You Can Support the Film and Its Ministry to Culture
Miharu ni kasawo is one way to create a culture infused with biblical values. Would you consider supporting it?
① Pray and Watch the Film
If this film resonates with you, please visit the official website or watch the trailer. Pray that it will reach as many people as possible. After its release on January 24th, please go to the theater to see it. The film’s duration in theaters depends largely on the attendance numbers during the opening week. Your support can help bring stories with biblical values to a wider audience.
I’ve compiled information about the official website, theater list, and advance ticket sales in the following article:
Everything you need to know about Miharu ni kasawo
② Spread the Word
Please share this film with your family, friends, and church communities. As we have very little budget for promotion, sharing your thoughts on social media or writing a review would mean so much.
If you’d like to help with promotion, feel free to use the materials in the following link:
Miharu ni kasawo Promotional Materials Folder
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I would greatly appreciate your prayers and support.
In Christ,
Yu Shibuya
Miharu ni kasawo (Umbrellas for Miharu)
Written and Directed by: Yu Shibuya
Cast: Takeshi Masu, Misato Tanaka, Marin Hidaka
Producers: Showgo Ookawa, Makiko Shibuya
Co-Producer/Cinematographer: Shin Hayasaka
2025 Production/Japan/Runtime: 123 minutes
Trailer URL: https://youtu.be/e9EaT-g1wqw
Official Website: http://miharu-movie.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/miharunikasawo/